Bellingham Police Department

POC: Lt. Don Almer
POC Office #: (360) 778-8641
POC Cell #: (360) 815-1735 or (360) 927-3206
POC Dispatch: (360) 676-6911
POC Email: dalmer@cob.org
TAV Type: Lenco BearCat

Parameters for use: Bellingham PD SWAT Lieutenant Don Almer or his representative will need to review the requesting team’s operational plan and/or mission narrative either verbally or via electronic mail prior to implementation/approval of use. Bellingham PD SWAT will respond to any reasonable request with a minimum crew of two Bellingham PD SWAT members to drive/maintain and to follow Bellingham PD SWAT policy. Exigent needs for assistance shall be promptly assessed and supported.


Mason County Sheriff’s Office

POC: Sgt. Travis Adams
POC Office #: (360) 427-9670 ext. 622
POC Cell #: (360) 661-5310
POC Dispatch: (360) 427-9670 ext. 226 or 227
POC email: tadams@so.co.mason.wa.us
TAV Type: LAV-150

Parameters for use: Will respond anywhere within Homeland Security Region III upon request. May go further on a case by case basis.

Washington State Patrol – Olympia

POC: Detective Sgt. Joel Anderson
POC Office #: (360) 704-2401
POC Cell #: (425) 923-6915
POC email: joel.anderson@wsp.wa.gov
TAV Type: Lenco BearCats and BEAR
Non-TAV: Command/Supply Vans, 2 Polaris 4X4 ATV’s

Parameters for use: WSP SWAT will provide assistance to any LE agency in the state. WSP has two BearCats and One BEAR – providing Statewide response. The vehicles are also available for any tactical team who would like to train with them for deployment/usage. WSP SWAT provides support with armored vehicle requests and full team tactical support.


Tacoma Police Department

POC: Sgt. Pete Habib
POC Office #: (253) 591-5928
POC Cell #: (253) 405-5365
POC Pager #: (253) 934-2026
POC email: phabib@cityoftacoma.org
TAV Type: Lenco Bear (2WD)

Parameters for use: Will respond anywhere in Western Washington with a crew of 2 operators to drive and operate radio/navigate/support.


King County Sheriff’s Office

POC: Sgt. Don Ellis & Sgt. J.K. Pewitt
POC Cell #: Ellis – (206) 423-0966 Pewitt – (206) 423-8344
POC Pager #: Ellis – (206) 995-2823 Pewitt – (206) 993-5577
POC email: james-k.pewitt@kingcounty.gov
TAV Type: Lenco B.E.A.R., LAV-150

Parameters for use: King County agencies unless a request has been made prior to the need. In the event of a mutual aid request, we will most likely go into surrounding counties. We will provide the driver and one other deputy to manage the systems.

Seattle Police Department

POC: Lt. Matt Allen
POC Cell #: (206) 579-5337
POC Dispatch #: (206) 684-8640
POC email: matthew.allen@seattle.gov
TAV Type: 2 Lenco BearCats

Parameters for use: With appropriate notice, we will go anywhere in the State. Any team equipment can be requested and transported as well.

Valley Special Response Team

POC: Will Lathrup
POC Cell #: mobile/pager (253) 261-7466
POC Dispatch #: Valley Communications Center at (253) 372-1434 and ask for an on
duty Valley Swat Commander
POC Email: wlathrop@auburnwa.gov
TAV Type: Bearcat, Peace Keeper, V150

Parameters for use: To be negotiated at the time of requests but most likely we will drive the vehicle to your scene and we will a driver during the call out that is familiar with the vehicle operation.


Washington State Patrol – Ellensburg

POC: Detective Sgt. Joel Anderson
POC Office #: (360) 704-2401
POC Cell #: (425) 923-6915
POC email: joel.anderson@wsp.wa.gov
TAV Type: Lenco BearCats and BEAR
Non-TAV: Command/Supply Vans, 2 Polaris 4X4 ATV’s

Parameters for use: WSP SWAT will provide assistance to any LE agency in the state. WSP has two BearCats and One BEAR – providing Statewide response. The vehicles are also available for any tactical team who would like to train with them for deployment/usage. WSP SWAT provides support with armored vehicle requests and full team tactical support.sts and full team tactical support.

Chelan County Regional SWAT

POC: Chief Mike Harris
POC Office #: (509) 667-6337
POC Cell #: (509) 630-7503
POC email: mike.harris@co.chelan.wa.us
TAV Type: A MaxxPro MRAP, V150, Ford F800 Armored truck

Parameters for use: Each request is subject to authorization by the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office. We will respond to any reasonable request with a minimum crew of 2 operators to drive and operate radio/navigate/support your incident. An OH-58 Helicopter is also available if air support is needed.


Tri-City Regional SWAT

POC: Sgt. Jon Law
POC Office #: (509) 735-6555
POC Cell #: (509) 531-0097 or 438-1232
POC Pager #: (509) 737-5519
POC email: jon.law@co.benton.wa.us
TAV Type: Bearcat, Peacekeeper, & V150

Parameters for use: Each request is subject to authorization by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office. Will respond to any reasonable request with a minimum crew of 2 operators to drive and operate radio/navigate/support.

Yakima SWAT

POC: Lt. Scott Grant
POC Cell: (509) 728-6625
POC email: scott.grant@yakimawa.gov
TAV Type: Lenco Bearcat, BAE Caiman, 2 Oshkosh M-ATV’s.

Parameters for use: Each request is subject to approval by the Yakima Police Department. If possible please send a copy of your operations order at the time of request.

If you are interested in being listed on the TAV Directory, please email the following information to Jeff Selleg at Selleg.J@portseattle.org

Contact Name, Contact Cell #, Office #, and Pager #, Contact email address, Parameters For Use