Mission Statement

The Washington State Tactical Officers Association was founded in 1984 and has grown to represent over 700 members. WSTOA is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Washington.

The mission of the WSTOA is to

  1. Promote training, professionalism and communication between members of tactical units with the State.
  2. Act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information.
  3. Strive to advance individual and team knowledge by providing a network to share sound tactics, training and operational experiences.
  4. Work to foster the highest professional standards and levels of competence by providing high quality instruction to it’s members promoting proper tactics, equipment and safety.

Board of Directors

Eric Gordon

Info Coming


Vice President:
Joel Anderson

Agency: Washington State Patrol


Work: (360) 704-2401

106 11th Ave SW Suite 4100
Olympia WA 98501

Chief Financial Officer:
Brent Austin

Agency: Spokane Police Department


Work: (509) 363-8224
Work Cell: (509) 370-2120

1100 W. Mallon
Spokane, WA 99260

Chief Administrative Officer:
Robert Riggles

Agency: Spokane Police Department


Work: (509) 742-8118
Work Cell: (509) 795-4515

Director of Training:
Matt Nelson

Agency: Richland Police Department


(509) 578-9414

871 George Washington Way
Richland WA 99352

District Representatives

District 1

Clallam County, Island County, Jefferson County, Kitsap County, San Juan County, Skagit County, Snohomish County, Whatcom County

Maurice Rincon
Agency: Washington State Patrol


(360) 676-2007

3860 Airport Way
Bellingham, WA 98226

District 2

King County, Pierce County

Bob Shaw

Agency: Pierce County Sheriff


(253) 355-6868

District 3

Clark County, Cowlitz County, Grays Harbor County, Lewis County, Mason County, Pacific County, Skamania County, Thurston County, Wahkiakum County

Brian Streissguth

Agency: Longview Police Department


(360) 703-8347

District 4

Adams County, Asotin County, Chelan County, Columbia County, Douglas County, Ferry County, Garfield County, Grant County, Lincoln County, Okanogan County, Pend Oreille County, Spokane County, Stevens County, Whitman County, and all out of state members


District 5

Benton County, Franklin County, Kittitas County, Klickitat County, Walla Walla County, Yakima County


Advisory Positions

WASPC Advisor:



Sniper / Marksman:
Mike Bertucci

Agency: Federal Way PD (Valley SWAT) – Retired


(206) 255-5517