* District 4 includes all out of state members
District #1
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: 505 Grand Avenue Bellingham, WA 98225
- Team Leaders: Jeremy Harper, Dion Terryn
- Email Jeremy: jharper@cob.org
- Email Dion: dterry@cob.org
- Team Commander: Don Almer
- Team Commander: Bill Slodysko
- Email: dalmer@cob.org
- Phone: (360) 815-1735 or (360) 927-3206
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: Everett Police Department C/O Jay Baines 3002 Wetmore Ave Everett, WA 98201
- Team Leader: Steve Sieverson
- Email: ssieverson@ci.everett.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 783-2589
- Team Commander: Jay Baines
- Email: jay.baines@co.snohomish.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 754-0924
- Team Name: High Risk Entry Team
- Address: Forks Police Department 500 E Division Street Forks, WA 98331
- Team Leader: Mike Shannon
- Email: msha.fpd@forkswashington.org
- Phone: (360) 374-2223 x3
- Team Commander: Mike Powell
- Email: mpo.fpd@forkswashington.org
- Phone: (360) 374-2223 x2
- Team Name South Snohomish County S.W.A.T.
- Address: PO Box 5008 Lynwood, WA 98046-5008
- Team Leader: Jason Valentine
- Email: jvalentine@ci.lynnwood.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 754-0224
- Team Commander: Steve Rider
- Email: csteichen@ci.lynnwood.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 670-5600
- Team Name: SERT
- Address: 818 W. Main St. Monroe, WA 98272
- Team Leader: Kelly Pitts
- Email: kpitts@ci.monroe.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 794-6300
- Team Commander: Rick Dunn
- Email: rdunn@ci.monroe.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 794-6300
- Team Name: PTO
- Address: 1805 Continental Pl Mount Vernon, WA 98273
- Team Leader: Mike Moore
- Email: mikelm@mountvernonwa.gov
- Phone: (360) 336-6281
- Team Commander: Greg Booth
- Email: gregb@mountvernonwa.gov
- Phone: (360) 336-6271
- Team Name: HRET
- Address: 860 SE Barrington Drive Oak Harbor, WA 98277
- Team Leader: Bill Wilkie
- Email: bwilkie@oakharbor.org
- Phone: (360) 279-4600
- Team Commander: John Dyer
- Email: jdyer@oakharbor.org
- Phone: (360) 279-4600
- Team Name: HRT
- Address: 600 Third Street Mount Vernon, WA 98273
- Team Leader: Chad Clark
- Email: chadc@co.skagit.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 336-9450
- Team Commander: Tom Molitor
- Email: thomasm@co.skagit.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 336-9450
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: 3000 Rockefeller Ave M/S 606 Everett, WA 98201
- Team Leader: Scott Parker
- Email: scott.parker@snoco.org
- Phone: (425) 754-1013
- Team Commander: Robert Palmer
- Email: rob.palmer@snoco.org
- Phone: (425) 388-3393
- Team Name: SRT
- Address: 311 Grand Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225
- Team Leader: Doug Chadwick
- Email: dchadwic@co.whatcom.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 410-0854
- Team Commander: Scott Rossmiller
- Email: srossmil@co.whatcom.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 676-6650
District #2
- Team Name: Valley SWAT
- Address: PO Box 9718 33325 8th Ave S. Federal Way, WA 98063
- Team Leader: Jeff Selleg
- Email: selleg.j@portseattle.org
- Phone: (206) 439-6660
- Team Commander: Will Lathrop
- Email: wlathrop@ci.auburn.wa.us
- Phone: (253) 804-3125
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: 450 110 Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004
- Team Leader: Lieutenant
- Email: dyoung@bellevuewa.gov
- Phone: (425) 452-4215
- Team Commander: Pat Arpin
- Email: parpin@bellevuewa.gov
- Phone: (425) 452-4333
- Team Name: SRT
- Address: 18410 101st Avenue NE Bothell, WA 98011
- Team Leader: Jack Scott
- Email: Jack.Scott@ci.bothell.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 486-1254
- Team Commander: Bob Woolverton
- Email: Bob.Woolverton@ci.bothell.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 487-5557
- Team Name: Metro SWAT
- Address: 311 West Pioneer Puyallup, WA 98371
- Team Leader: Mike Wiley
- Email: teamwiley@mac.com
- Phone: (253) 606-0360
- Team Commander: Bryan Jeter
- Email: bjeter@ci.puyallup.wa.us
- Phone: (253) 841-5534
- Team Name: Special Operations Team
- Address: 130 E. Sunset Way Issaquah, WA 98027
- Team Leader: Scott Behrbaum
- Email: scottb@ci.issaquah.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 837-3216
- Team Commander: Chris Felstad
- Email: chrisf@ci.issaquah.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 837-3208
- Team Name: SRT
- Address: 123 5th Ave Kirkland, WA 98033
- Team Leader: Todd Aksdal
- Email: taksdal@ci.kirkland.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 587-3400
- Team Commander: Rick Krebs
- Email: rkrebs@ci.kirkland.wa.us
- Phone: (425) 587-3400
- Team Name: Special Response Team
- Address: 9401 Lakewood Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98499
- Team Leader: Jason Cannon
- Email: jcannon@cityoflakewood.us
- Phone: (253) 606-4426
- Team Leader: Vince Sivankeo
- Email: VSivankeo@cityoflakewood.us
- Phone: (253) 606-0488
- Team Commander: B. Markert
- Email: bmarkert@cityoflakewood.us
- Phone: (253) 830-5084
- Team Name: TAC 30
- Address: PO Box 770 22300 SE 231 Street, Maple Valley Seattle, WA
- Team Leader: Jesse Babauta and Chris Myers
- Email: jesse.babauta@kingcounty.gov
- Email: christopher.myers@kingcounty.gov
- Phone Jesse: (206) 423-6012
- Team Commander: Noel Fryberger
- Email: noel.fryberger@kingcounty.gov
- Phone: (206) 423-4110
- Team Name: TRT
- Address: 311 W. Pioneer Puyallup, WA 98371
- Team Leader: Greg Reiber
- Email: gregr@puyallupwa.gov
- Phone: (253) 377-5633
- Team Commander: Greg Massey
- Email: gmassey@puyallupwa.gov
- Phone: (253) 604-9499
- Team Name: PCSD SWAT
- Address: 271 John Bananola Wy E Puyallup, WA 98374
- Team Leader: Sgt Erik Clarkson
- Email: Erik.Clarkson@piercecountywa.gov
- Phone: (253) 377-5739
- Team Commander: Sgt Rich Scaniffe
- Email: Richard.Scaniffe@piercecountywa.gov
- Phone: (253) 377-4885
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: 8701 160 Av NE Redmond, WA 98052
- Team Leader: Doug Krueger
- Email: dkrueger@redmond.gov
- Phone: (425) 556-2565
- Team Commander: Terry Morgan
- Email: tmorgan@redmond.gov
- Phone: (425) 556-2523
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: Seattle Police SWAT 2203 Airport WY S Seattle, WA 98134
- Team Leader: Dwayne Pirak
- Email: dwayne.pirak@seattle.gov
- Phone: (206) 396-2485
- Team Commander: Matt Allen
- Email: phillip.hay@seattle.gov
- Phone: (206) 684-8755
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: 3701 S. Pine St. Tacoma WA 98409
- Team Leader: Sgt. Steve Storwick
- Email: SStorwick@cityoftacoma.org
- Phone: (253) 753-8229
- Team Commander: Lt. Bob Maule
- Email: BMaule@cityoftacoma.org
- Phone: (253) 381-0502
District #3
- Team Name: CIRT
- Address: PO Box 609 Centralia, WA 98531
- Team Leader: Brian Warren
- Email: bwarren@cityofcentralia.com
- Team Commander: Wes Rethwill
- Email: wes.rethwill@lewiscowa.gov
- Team Name: Grays Harbor SRT
- Address: 100 W Broadway Suite 3 PO Box 630 Montesano, WA 98563
- Team Leader: Harry Blodgett
- Email: Hblodgett@cityofhoquiam.com
- Phone: (360) 532-0984
- Team Commander: Rick Scott
- Email: Rscott@co.grays-harbor.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 249-3711
- Team Name: Lower Columbia SWAT
- Address: 201 S. Pacific Ave. Kelso, WA 98626
- Team Leader: John Reeves
- Email: john.reeves@ci.longview.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 442-5830
- Team Commander: Capt. Darr Kirk
- Email: dkirk@kelso.gov
- Phone: (360) 577-3402
- Team Name: SRT
- Address: Lacey Police PO Box 3400 Lacey, WA
- Team Leader: Chris Ward
- Email: cward@ci.lacey.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 459-4333
- Team Commander: Chris Ward
- Email: cward@ci.lacey.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 459-4333
- Team Name: Mason County Regional SWAT
- Address: 419 N. 4th St. P.O. Box 1037 Shelton, WA 98584
- Team Leader: Travis Adams
- Email: tadams@co.mason.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 427-9670 x622
- Team Commander: Rush Osterhout
- Email: rosterhout@so.co.mason.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 427-9670 x309
- Team Name: SOT Special Operations Team
- Address: 577 Pt. Brown Ave NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569
- Team Leader: Russ Fitts
- Email: rfitts@osgov.com
- Phone: (360) 289-3331
- Team Commander: Russ Fitts
- Email: rfitts@osgov.com
- Phone: (360) 289-3331
- Team Name: SWAT
- Address: PO Box 1995 Vancouver, WA 98668-1995
- Team Leader Sgt. Chad Williams – Vancouver Police Dept
- Email: N/A
- Phone: (360) 518-2118
- Commander: Lt. Kathy Mcnicholas – Vancouver Police Dept
- Email: N/A
- Phone: (360) 487-7442
- Commander: Mike McCabe – Clark County Sheriff’s Office
- Email: N/A
- Phone: (360) 931-3249
- Team Name: Thurston County SWAT
- Address: Thurston County Sheriff’s Office 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502
- Team Leader: John Snaza
- Email: snazaj@co.thurston.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 485-2427
- Team Commander: Jay Mason
- Email: jmason@ci.tumwater.wa.us
- Phone: (360) 754-4200
- Team Name: WCC SERT – WA-DOC
- Address: Washington Corrections Center P.O. Bx 900 Shelton, WA 98584
- Team Leader: Jerry Lawrence
- Email: jerry.lawrence@doc.wa.gov
- Phone: (360) 432-1500
- Team Commander: Edward C. Woods
- Email: edward.woods@doc.wa.gov
- Phone: (360) 427-4598
- Team Name: SERT
- Address: 2321 Dayton Airport Rd Shelton, WA 98584
- Team Leader: Shawn Brooks
- Email: sebrooks@doc1.wa.gov
- Phone: (360) 490-1693
- Team Commander: Chris Nichols
- Email: cmnichols@doc1.wa.gov
- Phone: (360) 791-5386
- Team Name: